Twitter for #Tornado

ALL #info4 After #tornado v @CDCemergency

#Info4 #Kids, A site just for kids all about disasters . #earthquake #tsunami #flood #tornado #hurricane #wildfire #fire

9 STEPS TO AVOID COMPASSION FATIGUE WITHOUT FAILING 2 CARE #Trauma #opsafe #PTSD #tornado #earthquake #tsunami #flood #hurricane #wildfire #fire

After #tornado If suspect damage~shut off electricity/natural gas/propane tanks 2avoid fire/electrocution/explosions v @CDCemergency

After #tornado If it's dark when inspecting ur home, use flashlight not candle/torch 2 avoid risk of fire/explosion v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Remembr2 shut off electricity @CircuitBreaker & turn off gas~ther may b frayed wiring/sparks/gas leak v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Clean up spilled medicines/drugs/flammable liquids/potentially hazardous materials. Dispose of properly @CDCemergency

After #tornado children may b afraid storm will return, may even interpret disaster as punishment 4 something. v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Talk with children about your own experiences with severe storms or read aloud a book about tornadoes v @CDCemergency

ALL #info4 After #tornado v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Encourage children 2 express feelings. Listen. Offer reassurance that the situation is not permanent. v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Provide physical reassurance 2 children through time spent together and displays of affection. v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Provide physical reassurance 2 children through time spent together and displays of affection. v @CDCemerg

After #tornado Include child in clean-up activities. It's comforting 2 watch household return 2 normal & have a job 2 do v @CDC

After #tornado Beware of Mold > excess moisture & water can contribute 2 growth of mold. v @CDCemergency

After #tornado Beware of Mold > excess moisture & water can contribute 2 growth of mold. v @CDCemergency

Symptoms/anxiety may appear weeks/months after #disaster & can affect all ages. If anxiety disrupts daily life seek help.

ALL #info4 After #tornado v @CDCemergency

Audio from inside Storm while Tornado Hit - All Survived

Warning: May be disturbing for some. "The video i took while at Fastrip on east 20th street. We huddled in the back of the store until the glass got sucked out , then ran into the walk in storage fridge. Sorry for the lack of visuals but the audio is pretty telling of how intense the storm was. The tornado hits at around 1:20 seconds." First Person video of Joplin MO tornado 5/22/11 by YouTube user izelsg

Here is some very graphic video of the tornado as it was hitting Joplin

Visual timeline of Joplin MO tornado